Miss Olowe

Hi guysss!! It’s been a long time! How have you been? (I usually don’t get any answer to this question😂). I hope you’ve been keeping well. I apologize for disappearing on you. Here’s my bribe for the long disappearance. ———————— ‘Jeez. Why on earth do I feel so sad watching this movie? I have a very bad feeling this guy is gonna die. No freaking way, why would he go there? Oh no. I’m so not watching this movie’, I closed my iPad, picked up my phone and dialed my best friend’s number. “Olureni Peters! Didn’t I tell you not to recommend tragedy or melodramas to me anymore? Girl, life is sad enough already, why would I want to watch something that would make me cry?” She huffed and laughed, “Miss Omotanwa Olowe, always so dramatic aren’t we? Now, that movie wasn’t as bad as you make it seem.” “No really. Isn’t the point of watching movies to escape reality? I mean my life right now could make do with some escape anyway.” “Tanwa. We can’t really escape from reality....