Tingles (3)

Welcome to Limitless. This is the third part of Tingles! Enjoy!❤️


“You want us to talk? The last time I checked, you were the one who wasn’t willing to listen to me”, I said.

“Yes, I know. Look”, he said with remorse, “I was young and foolish. I wasn’t willing to look at things with a long term view. I admit that I was the one who did wrong and I’m deeply sorry. Can we meet so we can talk better?”

“No way!” I shouted, “I already told you if you are here to turn my life upside down, I’m not in for it. I don’t want to have anything to do with you again”

“I swear, it’s just this once Dide. I just want to see you and talk to you. Pleaseee. Okay. Just one hour. I won’t take your time, I promise”, he said. 

“Erhmm. Okay”, I heard a loud sigh from the other side of the phone. “But, it’s just this once. Nothing more than that one hour. Where are we meeting?” 

I found myself giving in again. I hated that this guy could still cajole me. How weak.

“We could meet at the park, our usual spot by 5pm tomorrow. I can come and pick you”, he said.

“No, thanks. I can drive myself there. See you then”, I quickly hung up. I didn’t want to hear his reply, he was probably gonna convince me. 

I dropped my phone back on my table, switched off my room’s light and increased the temperature of my air conditioner. I suddenly felt hot. I climbed back on my bed and wondered why someone with a ‘family’ would want to see his ex. Then, I allowed myself to drift to sleep once again.

I woke up to the smell of fried eggs in my room and my mouth immediately watered. My mum was sitting right next to me on my bed with a tray on the stool. Potatoes and egg with a cup of juice. The best mum in the world. 

I smiled and said ‘thanks mum’ with my croaked morning voice. I jumped up and hurriedly went to brush my teeth and shower. 

My mum was still on my bed when I came out, observing my movements. 

“So, I sent your brother to tell you to come to my room yesterday. Why didn’t you come?” 

I shook my head and threw on shorts and an oversized shirt. “Mum, I was so tired when I came back yesterday. Trust me, you didn’t want to see me; I wouldn’t have paid attention to what you wanted to say”, I replied and grabbed my plate of food, digging in right away. 

“Okay. I wanted to ask you if you’d still be investing in that business we talked about. The owner called me yesterday again”, she said. 

“Oh. I completely forgot. I should be able to. I would call my manager and let you know by tomorrow”

“Okay baby”, she stood up to leave but turned at the door like she forgot something. “Another thing. Is there no man yet?” 

I looked up and said sharply, “No man, mum”

“Why? Aren’t you over Wale yet?” 

I took my cup of juice and sipped while looking at her. “Mummy, there’s no reason. Can we talk about this in the evening?” I sighed. 

“Okay then”, she finally left. Thank goodness.

I finished my food and went to drop my tray in the kitchen. 

I got back and called Remi to tell her I would be seeing Wale in the evening. She asked a lot of questions but I promised to answer once I got back. 

I took out my laptop, started doing some work and before I knew it, it was 4pm already. I stood up, stretched and walked to my closet. I took an armless yellow dress that fell to my knees, an LV bag and a pair of silver sandals. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and had a shower. I checked the time again when I came out and it was 4:30. Phew. It would take 5 minutes to drive to that park. I quickly threw on my dress and brushed my edges. Then, I used my favorite spray and perfume oil. 

I drove to the park and it was empty, except Wale who was seated, waiting patiently for me to arrive. I quickly checked the time, thinking I was late but it was a minute to 5pm. Mr Wale, the early bird. 

Meel’s Park. It was in form of a garden but it had unmovable chairs made from rock at the corners with a small table in front of each chair. 

I got down and the sound of my car closing drew his attention to me. He stared at me all the way till I got to where he was. He was dashing as usual. Why did he look so handsome? He was wearing a casual jade T-shirt with a very alluring smile plastered on his face. No. Get thee behind me. 

I could perceive his scent immediately I got to the spot. I hated what that scent was doing to me. 

“You look so beautiful, I almost thought it was an angel walking towards me”, he said.

I snickered, “Back off dude, why did you want to see me?” 

He laughed. I couldn’t stop staring at his sparkling white teeth and the way his eyes crinkled as he did. “Always so straight to the point as usual. Can you have your seat first?”

I settled in and I didn’t know when I said, “Oh, that reminds me how is your new family?” 

“What new family?” He said looking lost, as if he didn’t understand what I was saying. Then, realization dawned on him and he burst right into fits of laughter. 


Thanks for reading guys. Check back next Saturday for another episode.😉 

Till then, bye!❤️


  1. An African mother serving breakfast in bed😱😂

    1. 😂😂😂A cool mum I stan.😉

  2. Dide just dialed a wrong number 😂😂 New family!

    Patiently waiting for the next episode. Welldone sis, more grace

  3. Tell me the lady was his sister or sister in law��, lemme be patient��.
    I love the story, well done.

    1. Haha. Lips sealed, eyes closed.😂
      Thanks so much❤️

  4. "Get thee behind me" that line got me lol😄

    1. 😂😂killing it before it emerges.
      Thanks for reading❤️

  5. I have to wait till another Saturday ahh😭 It was already sweating me🥺🥺
    Good one Limitless!

  6. 😄😄 get thee behind me lol. Nice one limitless


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