
Limitless Gist- Kindness

  Welcome to Limitless!  First things first. I deeply apologize for being away for two whole weeks. Apparently, I got carried away with the vacation life that I took off from my Blog. I hope you didn’t miss me too much?  All the tea about my vacation is on my Instagram page @ji_rola. Let’s just say I had the most amazing time. Now, I’m looking forward to my next vacation. So, I’m here to discuss something with you guys. There’s this video I saw that I found quite questionable. There was this man who was, maybe too shy, to tell the waiter that they mixed up his order. So, his wife stood up for him. Then, in the process of his wife standing up for him, she was rude to the waiter.  I was just thinking, even if a waiter gets your order wrong, you could tell them politely and not make such a rude fuss about it.   As someone who has witnessed customers being rude to service people multiple times, let me just say it is a really nasty attitude.  I was at a store on...

The Brevity of Life- Expressing Your Love

Welcome to Limitless!  Life is too short to not express your love for people.  One of the things I hope will never happen to me is to write a note of how much I love someone after they’ve passed on, meanwhile, I never showed or said how much I love them when they were alive.  It is such a sad thing to think of.  I really hope the people around me feel deeply loved by me as much as I’m trying my best to express my love to them.  Often times, I would text some friends who I’ve not talked to in a while just to say hi, and they would tell me they were just thinking of me, or they thought about me earlier in the week. I always find that really amusing. Call people when they cross your mind, text them if you cannot call them, pray for them if you can do neither of the two.  One fun fact about me is I feel deeply loved when people check on me; maybe because I do it a lot, so it just feels super nice when people do the same to me.  I think it’s also greatly im...

The Entitlement Mentality

Welcome to Limitless!  This topic is long overdue.  You’ve probably heard about the entitlement mentality before.  Why does she act in such an entitled manner? Why is he so entitled? Yeah. Let’s talk about it.  The entitlement mentality is the belief that you should receive something from someone even when you have done nothing to deserve it or you are not in the position to receive it.  Quick story yeah? I went for The Outpouring with my friends in September 2023. On our way into the venue, one of my friends said she wanted water, and I replied with something like “I think they would have water in the venue though”. My friend then responded with something like “I actually don’t expect anything to be free”.  At that moment, it occurred to me that I had an entitlement mentality for a second there. From that point, I think I’ve been more conscious of not being entitled.  Do you know the funniest part of this entitlement mentality? It’s people who are ent...

Top 5 Christian Films You Should See!

Welcome to Limitless!  I am in love with the evolution of Christian films in Nigeria. I mean, the details and extra care put into them to ensure the story lines reflect modern day issues are remarkable.  I absolutely love watching Christian Nigerian films! Not only are they edifying, they are also interesting and riveting. Boy! I’m so happy Christian content is being pushed out there.  Here are currently my top 5 Nigerian Christian Films!  5. What About Us? Photo from @pst_iren via Instagram  I definitely want to see this movie! I watched the trailer and it looked really interesting. Have you seen it? I think it’s only in Nigerian cinemas for now. I really hope I get to watch it!  4. Abejoye  Photo from @jay_mikee via Twitter  You just have to love Abejoye . From the cast, to the costumes, to the location, to the plot, to the makeup. 100 over 100!!! My favorite character after Abejoye is Kinkinyiun. Her scenes literally give me goosebumps. I love ...

Does Support Really Matter?

Welcome to Limitless!  It feels surreal that I’ve been writing for about four years on Limitless!  Can we have a series story, Limitless?!!! I would love that!🤣 It’s been a while since we had some fiction or those crazy false memoirs. Hehe. Remember “Miss Koi Koi”?  Why am I talking to myself? Me, myself, and Limitless🤣. That’s by the way though.  I like the fact that I can just come here and say what’s currently on my mind, and you, my Limitless reader would still read.  Fortunately for me, and to be very candid, the majority of what fuels me to write is not the number of reads I get on a post or what my view Stats is showing. If you ever had a chance to read my bio on here, you’d see what I wrote and that is majorly what fuels me.  Don’t get me wrong, I love it so much when you read and comment on my work. I especially like when you read my controversial posts and take time to absorb before reacting or responding. Even when you don’t take time to read b...

Weddings and Engagements Everywhere!

Welcome to Limitless!  Yes, I see the weddings and engagements also.  It’s as if 2024 is majorly for weddings! Bruhhhhh. Everywhere I turn to Wedding, Engagement, Proposals🤣. Is there something you guys are not telling us? Is the world coming to an end soon? Becauseeeeeee I can’t keep up😂.  It hits different when you see that your friends are getting married and engaged also. I guess it’s that age already. Lol.  The craziest rumor I’ve heard about myself recently is that I’m married. Bruhhhhhh? Don’t kill me abeg 🤣. Secret marriage? I don’t think so.  I actually feel like I will be going for lots of weddings next year. lol. Just a feeling.  It’s plentyyyyy o ! You guyssssss! I’m just here to rant about the 2024 weddings.  The funny thing is I don’t feel choked, oppressed, depressed or anything. In fact, I feel so at rest. Unusual rest, becauseee🤣. And I’m actually really happy for the people I know who are getting married! So excited for them!...

You Matter

Welcome to Limitless!  Maybe you feel relegated? Do I really matter in the grand scheme of things?  Will this ever end? Why am I caught in this web of circles?  Why are things not going the way I planned? Will it ever get better than this? When will it get better?  Does God actually care about me? I think God has His own favorite people because why can’t He just do this one thing for me?  How long do I have to wait? I’ve prayed, I’ve fasted, I’m prepared. When exactly do I see the light? I’ve been in this tunnel for what seems like forever. I’m so tired.  Bro, I feel you. To be real.  Let me share a scripture. This was Jesus speaking.  “Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds!… And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?” Luke‬...

My Dad in 7 Paragraphs

Welcome to Limitless!  Today, I’m grateful that I have a father who was present during my developmental years and who is still present in my life.  One of the fondest childhood memories I have of my dad is from when I was about 5 years old. I tagged along with him to buy some bread that day and he carried me on his back all the way to and from the bread shop. That act, as simple as it may seem, is forever ingrained in my memory, and it reminds me of how affectionate my dad was and still is. He still rarely says “I love you”, but he definitely shows it. :) My dad never flogged me, and I can remember him punishing me only once. There were lots of scolding, seizing, and corrections though. Hehe. I was a softie, so scolds could make me cry, you didn’t even need to cane me. Lol. I remember that he would always say “o fé té” which means you are about to pass your boundary as a note of warning. If my dad shouts at you once, you would rethink your whole life. Hehe. I wonder why he was...

A Honest View on Unrequited Love by Edna Obieme

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash  Welcome to Limitless! Today is a special day!  After, that one interview with Victor Alausa,  Life as a Theatre Arts Student , I’ve not brought anyone to write on Limitless. So, i’m really excited for this one!  Today, Edna shares her experience and view on Unrequited Love! Enjoy the read!  ~  Unrequited love is a story a lot of us know well or have probably experienced, but my story unfolded during the days of the COVID-19 pandemic.  It started in the isolation of lockdown, when the world outside was hushed.  I was home from school and started catching up on old friends from secondary school and then I reconnected with him - let’s call him S. We bonded over our shared love for nostalgia of our high school days and soon, our conversations extended beyond the nostalgia to our current feelings.  S and I started video calling each other daily. It was incredible how we connected despite never meeting in person...

Just a Sigh

Welcome to Limitless!  I feel like if I did just as much as sigh this day, it would be enough. How do you fathom that someone who was once here, who you once talked to, laughed with, and ate with, is no longer here?  Brutal reckless death.  I heard about the passing of one of my university friends/roommates some days ago, and it is so hard to come to terms with. I really feel like I’m still in denial. Maybe her family would still come tell us that she isn’t actually gone. Is it just a rumor? It’s too painful to believe, and writing about it is even much harder. It’s making it feel real, which is so hard to accept.  I tried to tie a bow with my pant’s belt this morning, and my mind immediately went back to her. She would tie my sabbath’s dress bow so perfectly that even after we moved from Room D16, if I saw her on my way to sabbath worship, I would still ask her to tie a bow for me. How do I move on from that memory?  I don’t know if what I feel is pain or numbn...