The Entitlement Mentality

Welcome to Limitless! 

This topic is long overdue. 

You’ve probably heard about the entitlement mentality before. 

Why does she act in such an entitled manner? Why is he so entitled? Yeah. Let’s talk about it. 

The entitlement mentality is the belief that you should receive something from someone even when you have done nothing to deserve it or you are not in the position to receive it. 

Quick story yeah? I went for The Outpouring with my friends in September 2023. On our way into the venue, one of my friends said she wanted water, and I replied with something like “I think they would have water in the venue though”. My friend then responded with something like “I actually don’t expect anything to be free”. 

At that moment, it occurred to me that I had an entitlement mentality for a second there. From that point, I think I’ve been more conscious of not being entitled. 

Do you know the funniest part of this entitlement mentality? It’s people who are entitled and just won’t take their L (loss) in peace, instead they would flare up at the end of you not bending to their expectations. 

I would say that the most common entitlement mentality is people who assume that other people are always in the position to give them money. Everybody has things they want to do with their money, seriously. So, take it easy on people that you ask for help. 

Another set of entitled people are the ones that are entitled to your time. If you really want me to give you my time or attention, please I want to see it in your words. I keep saying it and it just seems funny. If you text me with a ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ and I do not reply, well, sorry but not sorry. Just go straight to the point, I do not want the back and forth. 


Hey there! 

How are you doing? 

I’m doing well, you? 

I’m good, you? “

Bruhh! You could actually go straight to the point. Include why you’re texting. Interestingly, 90% of the people who do this are actually not even close to you at all, so, there’s no valid reason to even want to follow through with the conversation. The funniest part of it all is those who think you’re snubbing them. Why do you feel entitled to my response? Maybe if you sent a proper realistic😂 text, I might have replied. So, no, you do not deserve my time. I’m sorry if I sound proud, I just don’t like wasting my time and beating about the bush. If you want to drag me, take it easy on my legs🤣. 

At the end of the day, I think some of us are just trying to be better persons and unlearn some mindsets. On that account, I think the entitlement mindset is worth considering and reflecting on. I’ve been reflecting on it for quite a while now and redirecting my perspective, and I think you should also. 

Thank you for reading. Till we meet again.🤍


  1. This came in timely
    Weldone my prof🥰

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Oh wow!😃 Thank you so much for reading!🤍

  2. Replies
    1. I really appreciate this. Thank you!

  3. I could think of a thousand examples both from my end and from other people. Like you’ve said, it’s always good to be conscious of it.

    1. You got it! Thank you so much for reading!

  4. So Im about to disagree a bit in something. My hot take is that I don’t think having higher expectations despite being deserving of it or not is being entitled. I think your reaction to not having those expectations met really shows if you’re entitled.

    1. Hot takes keep me on my toes, so thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      First, what is a mentality? A habitual or characteristic mental attitude that *determines* how you will interpret and respond to situations.
      It is a mindset, that is capable of growing.

      Consistently having unrealistic high expectations is capable of growing into an entitlement mentality.
      And I think, this applies whether you choose to flare up, react negatively, or not. Some people just think the world revolves around them and everyone/everything should be at their beck and call. They always have a “you owe me” attitude and that the other person has to fulfill their request.

      If you assume that other people are always in the position to give you money, for example, it is an entitlement mentality, whether you choose to flare up when they give you or not.

      Thank you again for starting this interesting discourse.


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