Weddings and Engagements Everywhere!

Welcome to Limitless! 

Yes, I see the weddings and engagements also. 

It’s as if 2024 is majorly for weddings! Bruhhhhh. Everywhere I turn to Wedding, Engagement, Proposals🤣. Is there something you guys are not telling us? Is the world coming to an end soon? Becauseeeeeee I can’t keep up😂. 

It hits different when you see that your friends are getting married and engaged also. I guess it’s that age already. Lol. 

The craziest rumor I’ve heard about myself recently is that I’m married. Bruhhhhhh? Don’t kill me abeg🤣. Secret marriage? I don’t think so. 

I actually feel like I will be going for lots of weddings next year. lol. Just a feeling. 

It’s plentyyyyy o! You guyssssss!

I’m just here to rant about the 2024 weddings. 

The funny thing is I don’t feel choked, oppressed, depressed or anything. In fact, I feel so at rest. Unusual rest, becauseee🤣. And I’m actually really happy for the people I know who are getting married! So excited for them! 

But I still don’t think anything will ever make me say “God when” about someone’s wedding again- before the Holy Spirit slaps my mouth. 

I’m just thinking about how I really loved to be a little bride when I was younger. I really liked being a flower girl, and I think I got to be one only once. lol. 

I guess it was fun associating with a bride. I loved it so much which I find really funny now that I’m older. *Shaking my head. 

I doubt people still use little brides, or flower girls. Fun days. 

Were you ever part of a groom’s or bridal train? 

Ohhhh! I remember being part of my oldest sister-in-law’s bridal train too. I was also part of the Confetti ladies for a Church sister. 


Okay, so three. 

I actually love weddings. It’s a beautiful thing to see people get united. However, the serious side of me would say marriage is even more important. Marriage is an assignment. 

Hmm, God help all of us. 


Thank you for reading! Till we meet again!🫶🏽


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