Does Support Really Matter?
Welcome to Limitless! It feels surreal that I’ve been writing for about four years on Limitless! Can we have a series story, Limitless?!!! I would love that!🤣 It’s been a while since we had some fiction or those crazy false memoirs. Hehe. Remember “Miss Koi Koi”? Why am I talking to myself? Me, myself, and Limitless🤣. That’s by the way though. I like the fact that I can just come here and say what’s currently on my mind, and you, my Limitless reader would still read. Fortunately for me, and to be very candid, the majority of what fuels me to write is not the number of reads I get on a post or what my view Stats is showing. If you ever had a chance to read my bio on here, you’d see what I wrote and that is majorly what fuels me. Don’t get me wrong, I love it so much when you read and comment on my work. I especially like when you read my controversial posts and take time to absorb before reacting or responding. Even when you don’t take time to read b...