A Prideful Generation vs Admitting their Weaknesses

Welcome to Limitless. 

Here’s my line of reasoning: God is highly interested in weak men. At the lowest where you feel like you’ve hit your breaking point, it piques God’s interest even more.

Am I here to sputter rubbish. By no means. Let me show you my basis. 

Consider Apostle Paul’s exchange with Jesus in 2Cor 12:8-10. There is a whole context to this, but let’s start from verse 8. 

“Three times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time He said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” 

“So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

Verse 8 and God’s response to Apostle Paul in 9 seems to me like God wanted him to admit that he was weak. 

My question now is, who on earth boasts about their weaknesses? 

I think I have an idea- someone who has admitted that she is a weak woman, and who would allow Christ’s strength to be perfected in her weaknesses. 

For the past few weeks, I have had lots of “God, I admit that I’m weak, let your power work through me, and your strength be perfected in me”. I back it up with my worship, honor and obedience too. Not all talk. lol. And let me tell you, I’ve seen God’s help like never before. 

It is unfortunate that some people trust so much in their own abilities. They accomplish supposedly grand goals, and they immediately forget the creator of all things who caused them to have it in the first place. 

They pontificate about how they’ve built their lives from scratch without ascribing any glory to God. A prideful people. 

Sometimes, some even wrestle so much with bringing their weaknesses before God. 

Are you struggling with lust? Bring it to God. Are you struggling with sexual sins? Bring it to God. Struggling with unthinkable issues? Bring it to God. Struggling with hate and anger? You’ve honestly tried to let go, but it doesn’t work. Well, maybe, just maybe, it’s because you haven’t admitted these things before God. 

Maybe you’re thinking, ‘well God sees what I’m going through, why can’t He just work on it?’ True, He sees. However, we can see from His exchange with Paul that although He saw what Paul was going through,  He still needed him to admit that he was weak. Sometimes, God just needs us to sincerely speak to Him about our weak points. Why not talk to Him about them? 

Admit that you are weak and watch God’s strength work stupendously in you. 

How else will his strength work in us? 

Thank you for reading. Till we meet again🤍. 


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