Staying with God in 2024- Trust

Welcome to Limitless! The first thing that comes to mind when I think of trust is believing and admitting that my possession is safe with someone or is safe somewhere. I have also come to terms with the fact that trust is relying on an entity. I trust that the bank will keep my money safe because it is government-approved and so on, so I put my money there. I trust that my cooker would come on when I turn on the switch because I have paid my electricity bill. One of the similarities you will notice in matters of trusting institutions, things, or people is that they are probable to fail. Think of examples of how things could go wrong with the instances I have given. However, I KNOW A GOD who never fails even in the slightest bit. He is PERFECT. One of the major things the Holy Spirit highlighted at the beginning of this year was TRUST. He highlighted Surrender as well which we have discussed in a previous post . The picture the Holy Spirit...