Staying with God in 2024- Trust
Welcome to Limitless!
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of trust is believing and admitting that my possession is safe with someone or is safe somewhere.
I have also come to terms with the fact that trust is relying on an entity.
I trust that the bank will keep my money safe because it is government-approved and so on, so I put my money there. I trust that my cooker would come on when I turn on the switch because I have paid my electricity bill.
One of the similarities you will notice in matters of trusting institutions, things, or people is that they are probable to fail. Think of examples of how things could go wrong with the instances I have given.
However, I KNOW A GOD who never fails even in the slightest bit. He is PERFECT.
One of the major things the Holy Spirit highlighted at the beginning of this year was TRUST. He highlighted Surrender as well which we have discussed in a previous post.
The picture the Holy Spirit gave me, as some of you might have seen on an Instagram post was:
“You know how people say ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, the Holy Spirit is actually saying that ‘you can put all your eggs in My basket; you can trust me, trust in me with all your heart…”
I understand that scripture in Ecc 11:1 says, “Cast thy bread upon many waters: for thou shalt find it after many days”.
I hope we know that this verse doesn’t apply when it comes to trust. He is the Living Water, so I can put the whole of my trust in His River.
Many times, I have noticed that it especially gets difficult to trust God in hard times, or when we feel the situation has failed. So, our eyes start wavering, we start looking for other options. We start thinking “how can I fix this”, we start executing plan Bs; executing other plans based on emotions and circumstances, not being led by the Spirit.
Sometimes, we start relaxing in intimacy; the intimacy isn’t as it was or should be, nothing as “big” as what failed makes you spend time with Him anymore. You start giving your attention to other things.
Hold on. Please note: Feel free to exclude yourself from my “we” statements. I am directing this at anyone who has ever found it difficult to trust God.
Please understand this, for full trust to take place, there has to be surrender.
It is called being dead to self. The state of dying and letting Christ live in you and take the wheel of your life. Surrender. Yield. Give it away.
So, if something I had involved God in doesn’t work out, my next step would be to seek His face concerning the issue.
“My Lord, does this mean a No? Does this mean I should wait some time longer? Should I try again? What do I do next? You’ve got the manual of my life, Lord, tell me what step to take next.”
Then, you listen, with a book and pen in hand. You’d also be on the lookout for other ways He might answer this question because He speaks in diverse ways. And when He speaks, you obey.
You’ve just got to know Him. Those who know their God shall be strong; so when situations that could leave you in a state of distrust happen, you know your God, you hold on tightly, you are strong.
Why don’t you let God figure it out for you? Open those tight fists. Release. Stop doing things on your own accord. Jesus is saying, “if only, if only, if ONLY you could just involve me in every SINGLE thing”.
He doesn’t disappear after that disappointment that might make you think He doesn’t see you. He is still there, and guess what? He wants you to tell Him ALL about it. Let Him know how you feel, that’s how you build intimacy.
I still have so much to say, but I feel led to stop just here. The Holy Spirit would expound these few words in your heart, and give you the grace to trust Him at all times.
Thank you so much for reading. I want you to please share this post with as many believers as possible, as you are led to. Till we meet again❤️.
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