In Retrospect of 2023

Welcome to Limitless! 

This is going to be a really short read. It is a reflection of 2023 from my point of view. So, enjoy the read. 

A major prayer point that I kept bringing to God at the beginning of 2023 was to water every seed in me that wasn’t germinating yet. And did He answer that prayer! Of course, I won’t be going into details because I’ve not been instructed to. 

I would say some things though. 

1. I felt God’s presence in my life this year like never before. 

2. I got closer to God. I tarried more in the place of prayer, read the Word more, spent more time with Him, and worshipped more. 

3. I heard God more often and more clearly.

4. I really understood the meaning of obeying and  following His instructions. 

5. I loved the assembly of the brethren (aka church) more. 

6. I got corrected a lot by the Holy Spirit and saw some flaws in my character that needed to be pruned.

7. I started seeing signs of my secondary assignment for Him.  

8. I experienced joy on a deeper level; that joy that cannot be contaminated by the issues of life. 

9. I saw progress in my life overall.  

10. I’m fully back on Limitless😃. 

I give all glory to the Infinite God for everything He did in and through me in 2023. 2023 is one year that I would definitely never forget in my life. 

This last few days is a good time to take stock of 2023. Reflect and thank God. Ask God to take control of your 2024. In 2024, by strength shall no man prevail🧏🏾‍♀️.  So,  hold Jesus tightly. 

2024 is a year of “explosive impact”! So, watch out for Morolake, by God’s grace! 

I pray He ignites our relationship with Him, keeps us, uses everyone that desires to be used, satisfies us early, and make 2024 our best year yet.  

My heart is with you, I love you, and see you in 2024❤️. 


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