Staying with God in 2024- Surrender

Welcome to Limitless! 

We enjoy fiction, relationship topics and real life experiences here. 

Just in case you are wondering, I talk about God because he is the backbone of my real life experiences and relationships. Hey! And happy new year my highly esteemed Limitless audience. Thank you for always reading! 

So, what ways exactly can we stay with God this year? I will be concentrating on two points which are Surrender and Trust. However, we would only be discussing Surrender today because there is a lot to unpack here. 

Surrender could mean different things to different categories of people. 

First Category: It could be that you do not have a relationship with God at all. 

Maybe you’ve attended church your whole life, or you’ve always heard people around you talk about God, or maybe you even have these family members that are Christians. But, you are scared and hesitant of going all in. Hmm. “Does it mean I can’t listen to my music anymore? So I won’t be able to go to the club anymore, so I can’t drink or party, so I have to follow so many rules, but I don’t even like church; it’s too much work for me”. 

Look, your concerns are pretty valid. I can tell you one thing though. Something I noticed since I surrendered my life to Christ is, I started to develop an aversion (lack of interest/distaste) for things that displease God. It is simply the Spirit of God at work in me. In the Bible,  Galatians 5:16 says “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves”. 

Also, Philippians 2:13 says “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him”. This is exactly what happens when you choose to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Why not taste first, and see how God will complete the work? 

Further, “rules” and “church” become seamless things to stick with. By the way, most of the things you call rules are actually there to protect you if you really think about it.

Give Jesus Christ a chance, really. He is waiting for you. You just have to confess that He is the Savior of the world and that He died and rose back from the dead.  Welcome Him to come reign in your life and help you love Him. And that’s it! Welcome to the family of God🥳🥳. Please reach out to me @ji_rola on Instagram if you said this prayer.❤️

Second category: You are in Christ already but find it difficult to fully surrender to having a relationship with Him. 

You find it difficult to pray, things of the Spirit do not interest you, you only bring out your Bible on Sundays, you still willingly dabble into sin and you even defend it sometimes. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve started thinking about getting closer to God starting from this year. Or you’ve not even considered it at all. The fact that you are reading this right now is simply God tugging at your heart. He wants you to draw closer to Him. How do you this? 

First, you really need to surrender to the Lordship of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you in this journey. Trust me, He is the Helper and is ever willing to help. 

Second, a tip I would recommend when it comes to reading the Bible is asking God to help you love and delight in the Word. It is indeed life-changing. Make sure you read the Word every single day. It is food to your Spirit. Another tip is having friends or a community you can pray in/with; this is very important. 

Also, listen to sermons. My recommendations are PDaniel, Pastor Lawrence Oyor, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Emmanuel Iren. 

Some recommendations to help you pray are worship songs or chants by Theophilus Sunday, Victoria Orenze, Lawrence Oyor. 

If you are struggling with issues like consistency or lack of interest, one thing you want to take cognizance of is your ATMOSPHERE. Please read my post on How to Reignite your Relationship with God

The thing is, God never fails to acknowledge a man that wants to draw closer to Him. Jesus, in Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled”. Also, the first part of James 4:8 says “draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. I pray that as you desire to get closer to Him, He gives you the grace for consistency and staying power in Jesus name. 

Third category of people are the ones already on fire for God. 

Maybe you are even a Minister of God already. So anointed, the Lord uses you mightily. But, deep down there is something you are still holding so tightly. 

I won’t be talking too much on this because how can this small girl even call you out. 

There is something you should know though. The ultimate goal is living a holy and pure life; pleasing the Father, not even power or anointing. 

Therefore, examine yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart. If there’s any form of pride, sexual immorality, obstinance, anger, or unforgivingness in you, then, it is time to surrender. 

Surrender should be a daily act for every Christian. Admit that your strength isn’t enough, and allow God carry you. 


We would be discussing Trust soon. So, keep an eye on your favorite blog, Limitless😌. 

Thank you for reading. Till we meet again❤️. 


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