
The Pressure to Succeed

Welcome to Limitless! It’s a great pleasure to have you here. ———————————— “So, what are you now doing?” they ask. “I’m resting”, I answer. They laugh unbelievably and I ask why? I shouldn’t rest after spending 4 years in the university? Is it easy to burn midnight candles during the four years hoping, ‘when I graduate, I will rest small’, only for you to get out and people start pressuring you.  The exact day I graduated, someone already asked me, “Congratulations Rolake. So, what next?”  Ahnahnn. Shebi you will allow me to land first . Na wa o.   The funniest thing is, not everyone pressures outrightly.  For instance, not everyone will ask if you have started working. Some people pressure in a very subtle manner. E.g. ‘Oh, you’re still at home. So, what are you doing now?”. It can be very annoying, but what can man do. Some people don’t even mean any harm but because someone has asked you before and you feel rushed, that’s why it’s irritating to you.  Pressure has to do with time and


Welcome to Limitless! I feel like it’s been a decade since I talked to you. What have you been up to? Have you been well? I have been though. My birthday was last Sunday, and thanks to all you Limitless fam who wished me a happy one! I really appreciate it.   The story you are about to read is fiction. Enjoy!  ____________________ In the twinkle of an eye, he smacked me across the cheek so hard, that my head whipped to the left and the plate in my hands crashed on the floor. “Ahhhhh”, I held my cheek to reduce the burning sensation and shook my index finger gently in my now hot ear to clear the ringing sound.  “Tundeeee! You slapped me all because I asked you to help me out in the kitchen. I told you to let us get a house help to assist me, you said no. I go to work everyday like you, do you want to kill me? Am I your slave?”, I asked on the brink of tears. “Shut up! You are too lazy. A woman should be able to multitask. What’s there in plates that you cannot wash, or food that you can

Tingles (4)

Welcome to Limitless!  —————————— I tried suppressing my smile but I ended up bursting into laughter too. This is one of the things I hate to admit that I miss. His contagious laughter. With pursed lips, I gave him a pointed look, before I got too carried away with his spell.    “Wale! What’s funny. Did I see wrong?” I asked. I watched as he dusted an imaginary speck from his trousers and looked at me with a smile. “Maybe you did. Do you remember Shally? Shalewa Johnson, my closest cousin that I used to talk about? Yes, exactly. That was her. She’s married now, and her daughter is the sweetest little creature I’ve ever met.” His eyes crinkled with a smile. “She wanted her favorite uncle to get her ice-cream but, her mum wanted to get something in town too. So, she tagged along.” “Ohhh” Realization dawned on me that I was in no place to ask him such a question. What if he was married for real? Well, he asked me out anyway. “I thought she was your baby mama or something”  “I knew it” He

Tingles (3)

Welcome to Limitless. This is the third part of Tingles! Enjoy!❤️  ___________ “You want us to talk? The last time I checked, you were the one who wasn’t willing to listen to me”, I said. “Yes, I know. Look”, he said with remorse, “I was young and foolish. I wasn’t willing to look at things with a long term view. I admit that I was the one who did wrong and I’m deeply sorry. Can we meet so we can talk better?” “No way!” I shouted, “I already told you if you are here to turn my life upside down, I’m not in for it. I don’t want to have anything to do with you again” “I swear, it’s just this once Dide. I just want to see you and talk to you. Pleaseee. Okay. Just one hour. I won’t take your time, I promise”, he said.  “Erhmm. Okay”, I heard a loud sigh from the other side of the phone. “But, it’s just this once. Nothing more than that one hour. Where are we meeting?”  I found myself giving in again. I hated that this guy could still cajole me. How weak. “We could meet at the park, our usua

Oró - Venom

Welcome to Limitless! This is not part of the Tingles series. It is another story entirely based on a real life experience .  Enjoy❤️ “This tree is not good enough. Termites are bound to attack it”, she said to the foresters and lumberjacks behind her. She was the only woman among them.  Her job was to go deep into forests and look for good trees that can be fell and processed into wood. She often got questioned about why a woman would take a job like that. But, she wasn’t born to be timid. Her name wasn’t Akinwunmi for nothing.  She had always been dauntless and adventurous since she was little. Her mother was like that too. She died while saving a family from an accident. “I’ve found one more here”, another of her colleagues said.   She couldn’t hold the pee that was threatening to release itself anymore at that point.  So, she said, “please I want to pee, you can go on with sourcing”.  She walked farther into the forest away from the men’s gawking eyes. She finally found a spot and

Tingles (2)

Welcome to Limitless. This is the second part of Tingles. He was looking as gorgeous as ever. I hated that he still made me feel the same way. I felt a twinge in my chest at the sight before me. He had in his arms a little girl who had a big smile on her cute face. Then, he held the door open for a lady who threw her head back and laughed at something he said as she entered. Her laughter revealed a nice set of teeth and dimples. The little girl joined in laughing and his eyes crinkled as he grinned too looking at them. I smiled sadly.  The grace he walked with could not be missed. He had become taller and huge. The last time I saw him was that day .  He looked around the restaurant as if looking for a waiter. But his eyes landed on me. Huh? What’s that look? Is that pain I see? Definitely not. I cleared my throat hoping the lump in my chest would leave too.  I lifted the wine to my lips again and gulped heavily hoping my heart would stop being such a nuisance. It was beating so fast an


My Limitless Familyyyy!!!🥺❤️ Happy new yearrrr!!! I look forward to giving you premium and better content this year. I’m just so hopeful that we would do so much more than we ever imagined this year! Don’t forget, baby steps. It’s time to start that thing you’ve always wanted to start. It’s time to be more focused. Fingers crossed, things will turn out fine.  Okay, before I start ‘aspire to perspire and require’😂. Let’s get right into business. The story you are about to read is fiction. Enjoy!❤️ “Yay! Cheers to a new year!” I chorused with my friends. The three friends that are the closest to me. Four of us have been inseparable since our Secondary school days. Now, that we are working, we always made time to hangout.  “Guys! I’m so happy for a holiday like this. I had to pay another nurse to fill in for me this night. I can’t come and kill myself.” Remi sighed contentedly. I looked at her glowing smooth face and could picture it covered in beads of sweat.  “I know right! Thank good

Limitless Gratitude

Ayeeeee!!! It’s the last post for the year 2020! Can we stand and give Limitless a round of applause?😂  Looking back, it’s been a good time coming. Limitless is really a place to be. I mean, I’ve been an avid reader too.😌 I woke up with the feel of dry air in my nostrils and on my  lips. Harmattan has finally decided to rear up its head, not like I was anticipating but, it’s part of the season you know. So, tell me in the comment section, how did your Christmas go? How many pieces of chicken did you eat? Did you go out to chill or you just stayed in bed and pressed phone all day? Mine was not so bad. I went out in the morning and had a full rest when I got back. That’s bliss to me.😁 Consequently, this is the time for us to really sit back and chillax . It’s just 5 days to 2021. Let’s be thankful for all we have right now. Let’s not brood too much about things we lost, rather, let us be hopeful for better days. We’ve done well. We are stronger despite the highs and the lows. Things a

6 Romantic outing ideas for Christmas

Helloooo Limitless Family! Welcome to your favorite blog! It’s Christmas season.😭💃 I see all the Santa and  Christmas trees already. Wahala for Satan wey no get birthday o 😂.  This post is specially for couples who are thinking of places to go this season. Andddd if you are single, don’t fret! Nothing spoil🤣. You could go to these places with a friend, family or alone. So, let’s dive in.  1. Restaurant Date  This is one of the most popular if not the most popular. But who cares? As long as it’s with the love of your life, it’s you and them against the world baby! I’m sure if you check google, you would find very nice restaurants around you. 2. The Beach  I particularly love the feel of sand beneath my feet and the sound of tides clashing. Bliss. The beach is one place you should go with your partner. You could sit together, talk, play games, take pictures, run and so many fun things!  3. The Cinema  Go see a movie with your boo! You would enjoy it I promise. The sweet popcorn is a


Welcome to Limitless! The story you are about to read is fiction. Wait, what? I jolted out of my sleep as the strawberry fragrance of my bath soap reached my nostrils. I thought I was dreaming, why can I still perceive this fragrance in real life? I sat up and heard the shower running.  Oh! That must be my annoying roommate, she probably bought the same soap. She came out of the bathroom and I was shocked by what I saw. Isn’t that my towel? I looked up to where I hung mine but it wasn’t there. I stood up to check outside, maybe I forgot to bring it inside in the afternoon. To my disbelief, the towel was nowhere to be found! I entered my room again and just stood by the door trying to sum up what was going on.  “Oh, Kike, I quickly used your towel and soap because mine is in Lola’s room downstairs,” she said with no remorse.  What did I just hear? “What?! You didn’t use just my towel, you even used my soap. Are you crazy or what?” I replied with growing fury.  “Ahnahnn, why are you scre