The 2020’s

Welcome to Limitless! 


Happy New Year guysssss!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳

Look at us being in big 2025. God brought us here; so so grateful! 

I remember a day from when I was in primary school. That was sometime in 2008. I was writing the day’s date on the top-left corner of my notebook as we’d normally do. 

Then, I wondered what it will be like to be in a 2020 kind of year. I could not really wrap my head around the fact that there was going to be a 2020-something. I wondered what I would be doing by then. Would Jesus have come? Where will I be? I would probably be a millionaire already, with my own private jet. Lollll.

Well, now look at me right in the middle of the 2020’s, doing adulthood things, and living it to the fullest. I’m grateful for this life I’ve got. 

Time flies, I tell ya. It’s the same way I’m here wondering what 2060 will look like. 

Have you ever wondered what you might be doing by then, or where you might be. 

It’s just so interesting that God knows the end from the beginning. You mean that before I was even conceived, He knew exactly what I would be doing at 50 years old. Wow! He is definitely the God of my story. 

I’m not here to write a lengthy blog post, but I want to specially thank you who has been reading Limitless posts. Thank you! 

Now, on to 2025, and I hope we make the most out of it. 

Thank you for always reading guys. Till we meet again; I still remain yours truly, Morolake Jiboku.🤍


  1. So many things will happen before 2060, we humans might

    1. …..Have destroyed the earth, you know… Environmental degradation and climate crisis…. Maybe we will be living on Mars courtesy of Elon😂

  2. It's a privilege to know and serve this wonderful God that has a beautiful plan for His children
    I'm glad I belong to Him

    Happy New Year 🥰🥰


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