The “Thank You” Culture

Welcome to Limitless! 

The rate at which people are entitled these days is crazy. Maybe we should even talk about that one day. I know you are trying your best, but, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to say thank you or appreciate what someone does or is doing for you. 

Let’s concentrate more on relationships and friendships. Sometimes, it might be easy to say thank you when people do obvious things for you. What about the little things in relationships? The things that seem so abysmal like a friend always being there when you need to talk. Do you ever thank them or you feel entitled to their time because they are your friend? 

Do you thank your partner when they do something so little that could tend to be overlooked? Sometimes, people feel unappreciated in relationships, they feel unseen, and they feel unheard. Do you thank your partner, or you do not because ‘you would do the same for them’? Yes, you would do the same for them; we agree, but thank them first. 

Do you ever thank them for bringing the issues to your attention, then, work towards solving them or you just make a fuss about how you think things are okay or they are overreacting. 

“Do I even have to say thank you? What if I’m not an expressive person?” Okay. What ways would you rather appreciate the people in your life? I mean your partner, your friends, your family members? Have you thanked them in the “other ways” that you think you would rather thank them. 

Appreciate people, celebrate people, and don’t hold back. You might have your reservations about people in general. Maybe you think people are not worth celebrating, people are not worth being appreciated. However, understand that no one would be here forever. Honestly, let’s be courteous to one another, and live peacefully while we are on this earth.

Make it a habit to thank people or appreciate them in whatever form you deem fit. 


Thank you for reading. Till we meet again. 


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