
Welcome to Limitless 


I’m one of those people who analyze a lot. 

If we’ve ever had a conversation, or discussion, chances are that I got back home, rewound to the conversation, and analyzed both my responses and yours. I also replayed the words you said, the way you said it, along with what I replied with and the manner in which I responded. 

Sometimes, I wonder why I’m wired that way because I know there are some people who do not take life so seriously. Lol. 

This trait is a strength. It is a strength because I’m able to reflect on my actions, be sensitive to other people’s emotions, be sensitive to body language, control my tone, and watch what I say to other people. 

But, there are also downsides. Self-criticism is one of them. 

I understand self-criticism to be disapproval of the way I handled a situation or judging myself based on my perceived faults. 

For instance, I accidentally step on someone, I apologize immediately, and the person accepts my apology. However, when I get home I go over the incident again- “see the way I stepped on that person, I didn’t even apologize well, what is even wrong with me, can’t I just sit down in one place, must I be everywhere?” 

You see now. That mistake is already in the past but I’m still beating up myself based on how I think I should have handled it. But hey, I said sorry, everyone is okay, I was respectful, it is in the past now. 

It could also come in the form of being critical of an image you should project, or a level you should be on right now. 

Oh well, you are not there yet, why not work on attaining it instead of beating up yourself about it. 

In all honesty, it is very important for us to reflect on our actions, look inwards and find the areas you are lacking in. 

Yet, that reflection should birth a positive response in us, rather than a negative one. I should want to improve on the action or accept that it’s all in the past, not going around in circles, judging and pointing out my faults. 

Me being analytical about my experiences or my life should not result in me beating myself up over the things I cannot change. 

For the ones I have control over, I will try my very best to make remedy if need be. 

Do you get it? 

Self-criticism can actually lead to disorders like depression when it gets out of hand. 

Let’s cut ourselves some slack. Don’t be too hard on yourself. 


Thank you for reading. 

I know I start my sentences with linking words a lot in my articles. I’m writing this to let the English majors👀 in the house understand that most of my articles are written in conversation style; thus, the informal structures. 

Till we meet again❣️. 


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