And you call yourself a Christian?

Welcome to Limitless.

“And you call yourself a Christian?”

This statement just annoys me sometimes, especially when it’s made by people who have pushed you to the farthest part of the wall. 

How can you annoy me so much, and you expect me not to react because you know that I’m a Christian; taking advantage of my Christianity. 

I was watching a short film called Faceless on YouTube, and the lady appeared to be a quick tempered person because of how she responded to people’s insults. If you listened to the insults, you would wonder how people can be so uncouth. 

The most annoying are the ones that call themselves blunt. Are you blunt or are you just simply ill-mannered? If I match your energy now, you’ll say “and she calls herself a Christian”, “fear all these people that have Bible verses in their bio and carry Jesus on their head”. Blah blah. 

Anyways, I’ve come to the reasonable conclusion that annoying people will always be annoying. Some will even defend their rudeness and disrespect. It will pain your soul😂. However, the onus is now on you to decide how you would respond to them. 

Does the person deserve silence? Do they need to be blocked? Do you need to apply wisdom when dealing with them? Do they deserve to be put in their place respectfully?

I understand that some people deserve no response, but sometimes you need to firmly establish that you won’t be tolerating any form of disrespect without being insulting, condescending or harsh in your tone or choice of words. 

I sincerely believe if you do not do this, they would walk all over you again and again, and the more you bottle it up, the more it gets out of hand.

Of course, you can always talk to the Holy Spirit about it and he would give you strategies on how to go about it. 

People who make these statements think Christians are immune to feeling hurt or pained by disrespect. 

If you’ve ever being walked all over by someone in this manner, I’m sorry you went through all that. 

There is a scripture I pray every morning before stepping out of my house. “Lord, I pray that my words are graceful today and they are seasoned with salt, and I know how to answer every person”. It’s from Colossians 4:6. You could try incorporating it in your prayers too. 

Dealing with people requires such a great deal of wisdom. 

I was just pondering on this, and thought to share. 

Thank you for reading. Till we meet again🤍. 


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