How I almost failed my driver’s test this year
Photo from MChe Lee on Unsplash
What’s popping?🤣 You good? No? Yes? Hmm🤔.
This story is actually very overdue, but I must tell it.
So, some time in September, your sissy decided to go write her driver’s written test after one year of stalling ‘cause of the fear of failure. I hate failing😭.
On this particular Wednesday afternoon, I got up and went to the center. Upon my arrival, the first thing I noticed was that there were so many people, most looking helpless, frustrated, and tired.
Anyways, I saw a queue and I joined it. But, it just didn’t feel right. Meanwhile, there was a man standing beside the line whom I really thought was one of the center’s associates. So, I asked if we could pay in the same place where the test was taking place- the queue was in front of a ‘written test room’.
Bossman said ‘yes yes, you pay for everything there. You are on the right queue’. I said okay and thanked him after the interaction. He also gave me his contact card too to reach out if I needed driving lessons🙄.
Anyway, staying on the queue still didn’t feel right. I saw that most people had a white and yellow slip which meant only one thing. They had done something I probably skipped, so I asked someone from the queue.
As expected, they told me I had to go get a ticket first, then, pay at the counter. At this point, I was getting upset. The ticket kiosk had already closed and the client service associates weren’t responding to anyone. So, I returned home. We live to fight another day, I said😂.
The next week, I went back there. This time ‘round, there was a customer service associate at the door answering people’s questions. it reached my turn to ask for directions and she said all their systems are down that I should come back later, preferably the next week.😭😭 I just wanted to cry😂.
I decided to go to another test location, it took about an hour and half to get there. When I got there, they said their systems are down too. Sigh. I carried my bag and left sha.
Meanwhile, this particular day, my song all through was “Casting crowns, lifting hands, bowing heart, is all I’ve come to do”. I was so intent on depending completely on the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit is a person and he is the Spirit of God, for those who don’t know). I was just telling him that I didn’t want to depend on my intelligence before I go and fail woefully😂😂.
I was also praying that God should make a way. I mean, why was it one issue after the other. Anyway, I went back to an African store very close to the initial test center, and as I was about to get on the bus back home when the Holy Spirit told me to go back to the center. I obeyed.
Peopleeee, when I got there, I didn’t even ask any questions, I just knew the system was back on🥳💃. So I got my tickets and went to write my test.
I prayed again. Guysss, this is where it gets interesting. I could only fail 4 questions in a section. Both sections had 20 questions. From number one to ten in the first section, I had already failed 3😭🙆♀️😂😂. At that point, I laughed nervously inside and said “Holy Spirit, I thought we were doing this together”.
So, I calmed down, and trusted him to bring everything I had read to my remembrance for the rest of the test. The most beautiful thing is that I didn’t fail any more questions after that statement, even in the second section.
Anddddd that is how I passed the test guysss!🥳🥳
This experience taught me how to depend on God completely even when I think “I gat this” or when I’m relying on my own intelligence. It taught me that it pays to listen. Sometimes, he will put you in some situations just to test if you’d really listen. I absolutely can’t trade that experience for anything, and I’m just so grateful that I was able to see what he wanted me to see.
I pray for everyone writing tests, exams, and research papers in this period that the Holy Spirit will bring everything to your remembrance and help you perform and write excellently. Amen.
Thanks for reading guys! Enjoy the new week.🥰
"Always depend on the Holy spirit/God"
ReplyDeleteI really needed this. Congrats on passing your test and more congratulations on gaining the spiritual level to commit yourself to the holy spirit.
God bless your work!
Hehe. Thanks cousin. I really appreciate this🙏🏽