How to read effectively
Reading effectively is reading to accomplish a purpose and to get a desired result. So, the way I would read a novel is different from the way I would read a school book to understand and pass my exam, and that’s different from reading for research too. Do you get me? So, here, I’m talking about academia. How can you read to produce result?
1. Know your ambience and utilize it!
This is the very first step you must understand to be able to read effectively.
Some people read with music. I don’t know how you guys do it, but kudos! I know I can never pay attention if I try it. I will just start singing and dancing😂.
But that’s me right? Some people have actually figured it out and they’ve seen that it helps stimulate their thought process and ease their flow.
The best place for me to read is the library. You might want to ask me why. I just like the complete silence which helps me “hear” what I’m reading and understand better. And yes, I know some people will definitely sleep off if they try to read in the library just because they can’t read in total silence.
That’s why it’s very important for you to know what works for you best and stick to it. So, if you know you remember things better if you read in a group, then find a study group and read with them. If you are very flexible with any option, then, you are good to go.
So, I’ve mentioned three places or ways you can read effectively now. With music, in the library, and with a group. You can also read in any quiet place, in the cafe, in a classroom, or in a park. One of my teachers often said that she used to read in the market while growing up. I find that really commendable though. Some people people read well with noise and that’s okay!
2. Put away the distractions
So, there is this stuff I do. If I know my phone is gon’ be a distraction for me while reading, I leave it on my bed while I’m at my table. I know that before I say ‘let me even stand up and take the phone’. I’m already rethinking the decision and saying to myself that is it really worth it?
You could turn off your phone too or switch your mobile data/data off. Worst case- delete your social media applications for the meantime if they are serious distractions for you.
If food is your distraction, then, don’t try to eat popcorn or bubble gum while reading. Those things will only make you more hungry. So you can either eat before you start reading, during your break, or after reading.
3. Take a lot of fluids
By fluids, I mean water and other drinks.
My dad always told me this when I was in High school but I never fully realized the importance until now. Apart from keeping you hydrated, it helps improves your focus.
According to Access Health Louisiana, ‘since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus, concentrate better, and be more alert’.
So, drink your fluids!
4. Jot things down
I don’t know if there are actually people who do academic reading without jotting and get their full result.
Well, you can read to understand at first. Then, try to reproduce it in your own words, according to what you understand, in your jotter. Asides that it helps you remember more, you can also use it as a reference.
5. Read to understand
…not to cram
Oh well, I know there are some situations where you might not be able to read to understand. For instance, you have to cram formulas. Also, there are some teachers who want you to write the exact thing they said or wrote in class and you won’t be able to remember them word for word if you don’t cram them. These are exceptions.
Asides that, if you read to understand, then, you will be able to reproduce whatever you’ve read well and give examples.
Besides, giving examples or scenarios could be a big bonus if you use them in your exams or research papers. It shows that you fully grasp what you have read.
Bonus: The Three-Step Process
First, glance at the material. Read it like a novel just to get an idea of what is happening.
Next, read to understand.
Then, read to outline your points. After understanding the material, go through it again to jot down points that will make you understand and remember the content better.
And that’s it ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for reading! Give me a thumbs up in the Comment section if you liked this post. Also, feel free to add any other tips you have.
I feel like I jinx myself whenever I say “see you next week”, because something always comes up and I don’t publish here🙈. Thanks for sticking with me either way. Make sure you keep in mind! I would definitely publish next week, so, check back! Bye lovelies!❤️
Reading with music >>
ReplyDeleteI can only read with Christian music. I can also read in a place where it very noisy and I can't concentrate on anything they are saying.