
Welcome to Limitless! 

Last week, I promised to tell you all about landing and quarantine. To be honest, it feels so weird letting everyone asides family in on this whole journey. I mean, I wanted to keep it all to myself, but I just thought I should share the whole experience. All for my Limitless family!πŸ˜‰πŸ₯‚

So, let’s dive in. 

We landed and I was in a very good mood because I had just watched that really interesting movie (I still can’t remember the name) plus it was a smooth trip. 

Immediately I came out of the gate, there was a border officer there asking everyone to show their passports. This guy didn't even stop anyone before me. He was just checking passports and if you are a young person, he would ask, “are you a student and is this your first time coming?” I think it was not the first time for the other people, because it’s only Rolake they stopped o.πŸ™†‍♀️πŸ˜‚

So, this guy asked if I was a student and if it was my first time coming, I said yes. He asked for my institution’s name, and I told him. That's how he just said I should show him my grades. Lol! The great thing is I wasn't scared, it was a neutral feeling for me. 

I told him that the semester’s grades are not out yet, then, I wanted to bring out the proof of enrolment papers. Mans said no and insisted I showed him test or assignment grades, any grade at all. I did, and he handed my phone back when he was done looking. Then, he said, ‘thank you, have a nice stay’. 

Guys! As I was going, that's how I saw that it was an escalator one would use to go up. I looked left and right to check for staircase, there was none. You guyssss, I almost fell!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Maybe I didn't place my leg correctly. Thank God many people were not there, everyone had already gone. If people were there, I’m sure my sharp brain would have captured how everyone was using it. Or maybe not, then, embarrass myself. Sigh. Thank God I didn’t fall shaπŸ˜‚. 

There was one man (an officer I think) like 8 steps behind me, he probably witnessed the whole thingπŸ˜‚. He was like “oh my God, are you okayy”. Shame didn't even allow me to look back. I just replied “yes, i’m fine. Thank you”. I shook my head and laughed quietly.  

Thereafter, I went through the rest of the security, picked my baggage, and did the COVID-19 test. It was a Nigerian lady that did my test. When she saw my passport, she was like “Naijaaaa” while doing a mini dance  and smiling with her eyes. Very funny woman. I laughed out loud. We exchanged some words. Then, she just smiled, shook her head, and proceeded to do that painful nose swab😭. (I’m still coming for all those that told me that thing isn’t painful). 

I proceeded to where my quarantine hotel’s shuttle was waiting. Immediately I stepped out, the cold slapped my face! πŸ˜‚. So much for “you don’t need a jacket, it's not really cold”, that my eldest brother kept saying. Thank God I was wearing turtle neck! 

The thing I first noticed was, true true, there are no pot holes. Beautiful and serene city I must say. 

I got to the hotel where I would be doing my 3-day qurantine. They kept us waiting for like two hours. One guy was already getting edgy. I had to go and meet one of the receptionists to know what was happening but she assured me that they would attend to us soon. We were attended to like 15 minutes later. There was free wifi and the room was luxurious. A big ass bed and tv, with a posh bathroom. I didn't snap many pictures  (I didn't know I would be posting this on Limitless).

Dinner came, our packs of food were always dropped outside the door. The attendant would just knock twice and leave. This was the first meal I was served.

My sister-in-law said it was Salmon with hollaindaise sauce, mashed potatoes, broccoli and carrots. Then, desserts that I don’t know the names, vegetables and tomatoes. Why would you give me raw tomatoes? I didn't eat that night. I would have tried it but it had a really weird smell that was making me kind of nauseous. So, I closed it quickly, put it back in the bag, and went to bed. 

The next morning, I was so happy because the breakfast smelled really good. My stomach was so excited, seeing that I didn't eat the previous night. I dug in and it was so good! Here’s the meal. 

Hash browns and omelette, muffin, yoghurt, Apple, ketchup and chili. Loved ittt!

Lunch was potato wedges, burger, vegetable salad and fruit salad. I ate the burger but didn't eat the potato wedges (I tasted it). 

For dinner, I was served pasta, chicken, cheesecake and vegetables. The pasta was good but there was no pepper in it lol. Another camouflage pasta🀣. I didn't even know that slice on top was chicken at first. I ate like quarter of the pasta and chicken though. The cheesecake was good!

The next day, I was served cinnamon French toast, home fries, eggs, milk, banana, syrup, and ketchup for breakfast. It was delicious. I ate almost everything for the first time. (I didn't finish the egg. It was too much for two slices of bread). 



For lunch, I was served chicken flat bread, soup, potato salad, ginger toast, and popcorn. 

Night came and I was served this. Rice with no stew, my peopleπŸ™†‍♀️πŸ˜‚. So, I used the soup from lunch, but I still didn't enjoy it. The soup just tasted odd to me, like tomato with curry and thymeπŸ₯΄. I finished the chicken!!! And those vegetables? No one ate them lol.

The breakfast I was served on my last day was amazing too. I ate every single thing! 

Fries, egg, ketchup, froot loops, milk, bread, and nutella. 


Overall, my 3-day quarantine was very nice. I didn't feel locked up lol, because of course we couldn’t go out. I treated it like a vacation and found solace in the quiet environment. I was calling and talking to family and some close friends too, so, it wasn’t boring at all. 

I took another flight to my last destination, after the 3-day quarantine. I had to ask questions at the airport when I wanted to print my boarding pass, because it was a self-service kiosk. So, machines were everywhere (like mini atm machines where one can print out boarding pass or baggage tags). The security lady I asked helped me, and I was so thankful.

 If I hadn’t asked, I would have been stuck. The worst you can get when you ask questions is no, and that's fine. 

I had a good experience too but I would not be able to tell you all the details. I ate this when I got there thoughπŸ‘‡πŸ˜‰

You can try to imagine how I felt lol. Bliss! 

I finished the remaining part of the 14 days quarantine which is 11 days. It was good even though I did research work for more than half of it. Totally, my whole quarantine experience was a pleasant one. 


Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to check back next Saturday for another episode. We’d probably switch to fiction or relationship next week. Till then, take care of yourself.❤️


  1. Oyinbo people and leaves, 5 and 6 lol

  2. The joy of meeting a fellow NigerianπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. As in ehnπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. A friendly one at that.

  3. ������������

  4. I want to try all this weird ass food honestly just for the experience

  5. Quarantine was enjoyment and vacation


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