Weird Habits/Obsession

Welcome to Limitless! 

Sometimes, we do some things without knowing we do them till we come to the knowledge that we are doing them. Some people even have weird obsessions. 

10 people reveal their weird habits and obsession. 
I would be revealing just the first letters of their names so that  I won’t cast them. Lol! Let’s dive in!

1. Mr. F
“Whenever I go to a new place, new house or new room, the first thing that will come to my mind is to look for an emergency exit or an escape plan πŸ˜‚, so that incase there’s an emergency or any bad situation, I can find solution for myself. 
I don’t know if it’s weird, but that’s it.”

2. Miss T.
“I have a friend who is very organized. She knows exactly how she arranges her stuff in her locker. When we noticed, we purposely shifted something in it without her looking. She noticed!”

3. Mr. V
“I tap my thumb and middle finger together whenever I'm in the midst of people I don't know, especially when I’m walking past a group of people. 
I like asking for money too.” (He said I should add his account numberπŸ˜‚). 

4. Miss P.
“I chew pure water sachet after drinking the water.πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ”

5. Miss E.
“I’m obsessed with the smell of sand, especially after pouring water on it.” 

6. Miss D.
“I’m obsessed with getting to know people with their body smell. I mean some people are blessed with awesome natural body smell. I sniff such people at times☹️ 
Or if there's this deodorant they use and smells nice on them. I deliberately inhale it.”
“I also love the smell of babies.” (Baby powder and oil smells divine!)

8. Miss L.
“I like the smell of nature when it’s about to rain or when it’s rainy. I like spanking men’s butts too.”

9. Miss R.
“I like the smell of old or new books and notes.”

10. Mr. T 
I overthink, and think of the worst possible scenario. My mind would never leave it till I start obsessing over the thing. I also chew my nails but I think that one is small. 

Happy Easter guys! Jesus is the reason for the season. 

Thanks so much for reading! Shoutout to Deborah Aremu for reminding me about this topic. I forgot already. Love you girlie! 
What’s one weird habit or obsession you have? Feel free to drop it in the comment section. Till we meet again next Saturday, bye! 


  1. These obsessions thoughπŸ˜‚

  2. I can relate with no 9, the smell of new or old books, especially novels. I love it!!!

  3. I can relate with no 9, the smell of new or old books, especially novels. I love it!!!

  4. Abi make I drop my account number tooπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜›

  5. I can relate with no 4.
    Like I literally chew the pur water nylon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ₯΄


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