Universe City: D-Day

Hellooooo!!! Welcome to Limitless! 
Your girl is now a graduate!πŸ’ƒ BSc. Mass Communication. A Scholar at thatπŸ’†‍♀️. Can I have a round of applause?!πŸ˜‚ I’m so ecstatic! We would be seeing a lot of pictures more than words today.
I wrote the first part of Universe City unsure of whether or not my set would graduate during this pandemic. Thankfully, we have! 
I graduated from Babcock University and it was a virtual convocation.
So, shall we start from before the convocation? There were centres for gown collection in about 9 states. Each person had to go to the centre closest to them to pick up their graduation gowns. For me, there was no centre in Ogun state, so, I had to go to school to collect mine.
Moving on, the morning of the convocation, the school was saying that we had to sign in to zoom for them to check our dressing and makeup.πŸ˜• If you see the rules, lol, they were normal Babcock rules though, so, it was kind of expected.
Well, not everyone was able to gain access into the zoom meeting. Eventually, the event started by 10am and most of us used YouTube to view and participate. 
Trust me, I did the whole turning of the cap’s tassel from right to left. I listened to the Vice-Chancellor’s speech and words of admonition. I fully participated in everything. The event ended by 12pm. 
Then, my own mini-party started. In case you want cake, just send an e-mail to morolakejiboku@yahoo.com with your name and home address, I would send it to you.🀣 

I’m having mixed feelings though. I’m very excited to be done with school but at the same time, I would really miss my friends. Above all, I’m grateful to God Almighty for being able to complete my university education successfully. 
That would be all for today. I hope you now know how Babcock’s convocation went. I look forward to seeing you next Saturday again. Be expecting a very interesting and scintillating topic next week. Thanks for reading. Kindly share this and feel free to drop a comment. 


  1. Congrats dear, more wins ��‍����‍����‍��

  2. Congratulations keke my love

  3. Congrats my g for life ❤️❤️. Onto the next thing now

  4. Omo your school mad gan ooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Them check dressing and makeup again πŸ˜‚πŸ’”

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love your blog sis. I am so happy I saw this link. You have a subscriber and yeah, congratulations love.

    Nelson Anuoluwapo Sharon

    1. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒYay!🀩
      Welcome to Limitless! Thanks so much!πŸ’–✨

  7. Congratulations sis πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“
    Greater achievement
    I don't mind if I can get more cakeπŸ˜€πŸ˜›

    1. Thanks sis🀩
      Sending it to you right away! 🀣

  8. Congratulations
    Greater heights


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