In Retrospect of 2023

Welcome to Limitless! This is going to be a really short read. It is a reflection of 2023 from my point of view. So, enjoy the read. A major prayer point that I kept bringing to God at the beginning of 2023 was to water every seed in me that wasn’t germinating yet. And did He answer that prayer! Of course, I won’t be going into details because I’ve not been instructed to. I would say some things though. 1. I felt God’s presence in my life this year like never before. 2. I got closer to God. I tarried more in the place of prayer, read the Word more, spent more time with Him, and worshipped more. 3. I heard God more often and more clearly. 4. I really understood the meaning of obeying and following His instructions. 5. I loved the assembly of the brethren (aka church) more. 6. I got corrected a lot by the Holy Spirit and saw some flaws in my character that needed to be pruned. 7. I started seeing signs of my secondary assignment for Hi...