To live with roommates or not?

Welcome to Limitless! Do you like living with people? Or you just don’t have another option yet? I’ve had roommates almost all my life. Let me share a summary of my experiences with you. My mum was my roommate for the earlier part of my life. I used to sleep in my mum’s room until about a year before I had to go off to high school. My high school had a boarding school and I was in there throughout my study. My hostel didn’t have small rooms though, it had large halls instead. We could call them large rooms. So, there were three halls/hostels, and each hostel had about 15-20 bunks. Hence, you can say I had about 30 roommates! There was always a closer roommate though, asides my close friends or clique. I don’t remember having a clique though, lol. I digress🤣 . Okay, on track again, the closer roommate is called your “bunkie”. To be clear, the person on the upper or lower part of your bunk is called a bunkie. You also had bunk side mates i.e. tho...