The mirror in my heart

Photo from Annie Spratt on Unsplash Welcome to Limitless! First, I want to state clearly that I’m by no means perfect, and all I will be saying here today are from a place of love and instruction. This is the first part in a series I title- PRACTICAL TIPS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR PRAYER LIFE. What I really want to dwell on today is “searching our hearts”. This is what God has been teaching me this season and I just thought to share it with you. It is so easy to pray amiss if you are not sensitive. Praying amiss could mean a lot of things, but it also means praying when you know your heart is not right with God. For instance, I can’t be asking for POWER if I know there is someone I’m keeping in my heart that I need to let go. I know our personalities are different. For example, it is difficult for me to warm up to people at first. I can be polite with you, or get into ‘work mode’, but once I don’t like your countenance or my spirit doesn’t flow with you, I ...