The Pressure to Succeed

Welcome to Limitless! It’s a great pleasure to have you here. ———————————— “So, what are you now doing?” they ask. “I’m resting”, I answer. They laugh unbelievably and I ask why? I shouldn’t rest after spending 4 years in the university? Is it easy to burn midnight candles during the four years hoping, ‘when I graduate, I will rest small’, only for you to get out and people start pressuring you. The exact day I graduated, someone already asked me, “Congratulations Rolake. So, what next?” Ahnahnn. Shebi you will allow me to land first . Na wa o. The funniest thing is, not everyone pressures outrightly. For instance, not everyone will ask if you have started working. Some people pressure in a very subtle manner. E.g. ‘Oh, you’re still at home. So, what are you doing now?”. It can be very annoying, but what can man do. Some people don’t even mean any harm but because someone has asked you before and you feel rushed, that’s why it’s irritating to you. Pressure...