Feyinti’s Dilemma

Welcome to Limitless! The story you are about to read is fiction. Enjoy❤️ I closed my eyes and stood with my hands wrapped around my stomach. The cold shower was doing a good job in keeping my mind engaged. Memories of when I first met him started playing out. I still remember it like yesterday. He was a new student in my secondary school. I had heard of a new student being in school the day before and how girls were fawning over him but I paid no attention. Seeing him on the assembly ground the next day made all sorts of feelings start running through me. Immediately our eyes met, I felt a very loud thump in my chest. My heart was racing and I could feel my palms getting colder. I had never felt that way towards any guy. He was wearing jean trousers, a white t-shirt and a red jacket because he had not yet collected his uniform. He was so handsome, in fact, the most handsome boy I had ever seen. I had to take my eyes off him when I saw that he caught me staring again. ...