Spiritual Gauges

Welcome to Limitless! Is the world coming to an end in 2024, or why is everyone getting married???😳 I didn’t get the memo. Okay okay. I digress. That’s not why I’m here. ~ I’m just here to wake you who has been falling asleep spiritually. Trust me, I’m not here to judge or point fingers. Have I had my hot and cold moments this year? Yes ma’am. I’ve had moments where I felt like I was literally close to God and at his literal feet this year. I’ve had moments where I could feel my heart almost exploding from how real being in the presence of Jesus was. I’m such a lover of God’s presence. I’ve had encounters: Encounters that have left an indelible mark on me. Right. Let’s continue. Meanwhile, I’ve also had moments where I would doze through my morning devotion; you know, because the flesh is weak right? Pause. We tend to forget that though the flesh is weak, the Spirit is always willing. Therefore, I understand that because I am born of the Spirit...