A Review of “Alone but not Lonely” by Lola Adeosun

Happy new year guys!🥂🎆 and Welcome to Limitless! I was walking around my church one day and I discovered my church had a library. A library? My heart erupted with excitement of course. Ah . I’ve found a new assignment. The next Sunday, I went to the bookshelves and I discovered they were locked. So, I told my Pastor’s wife to come open it for me. Even though she told me “ wahala e po ”😂 (your trouble is too much), she eventually opened it. Suffice to say, my eyes landed on this book and I knew it had my name imprinted on it. I surfed to the table of content, and everything resonated with me. Loneliness and being alone were things I had to deal with last year, so I immediately felt so seen. I later received the shock of my life though. I found out that the book’s primary audience was pastors’ wives, then, ladies in leadership. Pastors’ wives? What is my business with Pastors’ wives?- I asked the Holy Spirit. He definitely hid the back cover’s blurb from me, because i...