Miss Olowe 2

Welcome to Limitless! —————— Tears. This is the one thing about living alone. When you have money, you enjoy and chop life alone. When there is no money, you suffer alone. Omo. This life is one kind. How can a whole me Omotanwa Olowe be eating 50 naira fufu and soup with no meat. Eii God abeg . Alawee has finished like this. If not for this my nonsense ‘I better pass my neighbor gen’ that keeps having fault, it wouldn’t have finished so fast. I’ve spent 10k on it just this month. Maybe it’s even that Tunde boy that is spoiling the gen further. The gen never ceases to give me problems. Why is the power supply in this place so terrible? I paid electricity bill 14,500 naira. When it’s not as if it’s only me that is using light in Nigeria . Maybe I should get a meter because I’m very sure I don’t use up to 15k worth of power. These thieves. Mtchw . I’ve spent 5k on transport. Owo ti ku waso (money is remaining 50 naira). 3,500 naira actually. Wait how come it was j...