A Guide to Shooting your Shot with Class

Image from Fadi Xd on Unsplash Welcome to Limitless! This is the second part of How to Shoot your Shot- Part 1 I highly recommend reading that discussion before reading this. Here are some tips on how to shoot your shot with class😉. 1. Be different I know this already sounds like a motivational speech😂 but hear me out. People who shoot shots in ‘dms’ are the number one culprits at the other end of this point, if you know what I mean. To be honest there is a 95% chance that she won’t reply you if you just leave a hello or hi in her dm. I mean, you could say hello if you guys have met before or you’ve heard about each other from a mutual. You could also text that if your profile is a robust one. (Ghost users always do the most🌚). Just hello or hi can just never sit right with me, because ‘hi what?’🤔 Instead of these attempts, if you are trying to shoot your shot online, you can start by introducing yourself and say you would like to kno...