
Showing posts from June, 2022

A Guide to Shooting your Shot with Class

Image from Fadi Xd on Unsplash  Welcome to Limitless!  This is the second part of  How to Shoot your Shot- Part 1 I highly recommend reading that discussion before reading this.  Here are some tips on how to shoot your shot with class😉.  1. Be different  I know this already sounds like a motivational speech😂 but hear me out. People who shoot shots in ‘dms’ are the number one culprits at the other end of this point, if you know what I mean.  To be honest there is a 95% chance that she won’t reply you if you just leave a hello or hi in her dm.  I mean, you could say hello if you guys have met before or you’ve heard about each other from a mutual. You could also text that if your profile is a robust one. (Ghost users always do the most🌚). Just hello or hi can just never sit right with me, because ‘hi what?’🤔 Instead of these attempts, if you are trying to shoot your shot online, you can start by introducing yourself and say you would like to know more about them.  Or even better, dro